Geoff Tune | Publication
Geoff Tune was born in 1947, Gisborne, New Zealand. His work has been predominantly centred on landscape, or more specifically, place. Recently his visits to various centres and sites of interest in Britain and Europe have resulted in the production of images in situations where there is a combination of such things as visual elements, history, myth, etc. which link to the core elements of his work. Tune is interested in how the various elements of the landscape/place interact, the soft and the hard, the still and the moving, the constant state of flux. He sees the land as impermanent, constantly changing, in a state of transition between the past and the future and in the place of people in the landscape, how we understand our position within the landscape and in how we humanise, mythologise and memorise significant places.

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Artist - Geoff Tune
Author - Micheal Dunn
Publisher - Paulnache Publishing
Creative Direction - Jody Ure
Book Design - Jody Ure
Print & Installation - GEON Print

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